Friday, April 15, 2011

The New Mathematics of Architecture and Influence

The book The New Mathematics of Architecture (by Jane and Mark Burry) was really fascinating to me, and had heaps of examples of architectures that relate to certain design concepts, and one in particular caught my eye.
It was the planned design for The Louvre in Abu Dhabi.
This has not yet been built, but the images that are shown in this book are absolutely beautiful and will be a must-see place for me when it is built in the end!

One of the main design concepts behind this masterpiece is Emergence, and I hope to research this more for the essays for assignment 2.
From this building I have also become very interested in the concept of natural light in architecture, and how natural light can be utilised to create certain moods, because I think these simulations create the most beautiful atmosphere for a place and I would like to see this more in architecture that I walk around in (like in Sydney).

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