Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Emergence and Geometry

So, the concept of Emergence is really that the designer is the 'genetic engineer' and loses a lot of control over the aesthetic outcome of the complex system they create. Being the engineer means that the designer can edit a few values using sliders in the nodes to change the system and create a new unexpected form every time. I am not all that skilled with Grasshopper yet (I hope to be soon!) so my system is based on what I hope to achieve in the Assingment 3 proposal which is based on The Louvre in Abu Dhabi (pictures shown in earlier post).
I hope to incorporate emergence into this in some way, so my plan is to start with understanding how the aesthetic will be, and create according to that, and then add elements to it that that can be edited for unknown (and hopefully good!) aesthetics.

Here is the model I am working on at the moment and some screenshots of progress so far:

To create this model, first I created a series of circles, and gave the series a step size on the z-axis, which made the circles get bigger, but created an upside down dome shape. So then I reversed this to make the dome shape I wanted. Then using the original series of circles on the horizontal axis, I found points along the lines and put circles on them, then 'projected' them onto the dome below. Then used pipe to create geometry with the shapes.

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