Wednesday, March 23, 2011

MY THEME: The Spiral

During last week's tutorial I discussed with my tutor the research I had done about the relationship between the curves that can be seen in seed heads of some flowers and Fibonacci numbers. The images I found (in earlier post) showed a sort of spiral/swirl that can be seen, and this lead to the idea of creating a spiral for this assignment, based on the shapes I have found in nature (particularly sunflowers).
These images are looking more closely into the sunflower and the textures of the seeds, as well as the patterns they create.


Here are some images of spirals and swirls that I found on the internet that are inspiring me and my ideas for this assignment. I really like the hatched idea (1) but 7 is a really interesting take on the spiral idea that I have drawn out in the previous post. I will continue to have a look for more of these inspiring and varying ideas on "the spiral".

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